10 March, 2014


As a child, I knew my friend's numbers by heart, probably a list consisting of 25-30 different people. I had a PDA as I got older, but it was so clumsy that it was effectively worthless and still easier to remember details such as birthdays, phone numbers, and addresses.

I was recently asked on a form to provide a contact number for emergency purposes. I realized that I had absolutely no idea what the first number was of my emergency contact, let alone the entire sequence of numbers (seven - not including the area code which, thankfully, I still remember) and although people always joke that technology is making us stupid; it is certainly making people rely less on their memory and more on how fast their thumbs are at typing.

Really consider this. Even with something as inconsequential as trivia is no longer remembered because we have the internet at the tips of our fingers. Facts are readily available but are not actually learned. 

"I can just Google it."

I love technology. When the pictures come out annually from CES, I drool over what new electronics are in the works. 

But maybe, just maybe, the feeling of a lack of creativity is from over-reliance on it.

Which brings me to the Moleskine plain pocket notebook.

More ideas have been floating to the surface of my mind at the most random of times, and writing it on my Smartphone has become more of a bother than help. The voice recognition is still not very good, and recording my thoughts is out because - well, I hate the sound of my own voice (vanity...). But writing the ideas down as they are fresh in my mind has started to make my brain feel more alive and dusting off the cobwebs from it feels good.

This time I will stay with it.

I am pretty sure I will.

Until I lose the it.

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