24 April, 2014

Things co-workers say

Informed a co-worker of this: http://news.discovery.com/earth/rocks-fossils/piece-of-africa-found-under-alabama-140422.htm

The gist being a piece of Africa found under the southern portion of the USA.

He quips:

More proof that the South has been keeping them down for eons.

15 April, 2014

A long time ago...

Watched Star Wars again for the first time in several years. Forgot how GOOD it is until I heard the opening theme and was smacked in the face with a brick of nostalgia.

It impressed me that there were dedicated artists who used to build those models in intricate detail only to later have it blown to shit for the sake of entertainment.

Well... Then again, explosions are pretty awesome.

09 April, 2014

Stress and Vice

Stress and Vice. Everyone has both.

I was reading a comedy article on Cracked and one particular paragraph stuck with me.

"It may be stupid to get killed by your vices, but at least a vice gives you some pleasure in return for ruining your health. Getting killed by stress is just nuts - you're paying with your health for the right to be miserable."

Damn straight.

Of course much stress stems from job(s) you don't like but need to do to pay the bills.

Damned if you do

07 April, 2014

Starting with Fruit

I bought a decent amount of fruit over the weekend from Wally World and I had a small flashback to when I was a little bitty Tosen and fruit being much more affordable.

It might be nostalgia, or a skewed perception since I only ever went with my mother shopping and never really had to buy fruit for myself at the time, but all in all, it seemed to have gone up.

This year, being a bit more momentous than previous years, has made me seriously reconsider my eating habits as well as trying (in earnest, and not the 'I-know-I-should-but-I'm-not-really') to get more exercise; thus, the renewed interest in eating healthier foods.

Cantaloupe, strawberries, grapes, watermelon, and pineapple - (due to my body hating the environment, apples, pears, peaches, plums, apricots, cherries, and other stone-pit fruits are out of my diet) - all delicious and ready for consuming. Except the strawberries, they are pretty awful at Wally World and even though I keep telling myself I won't buy them again due to the tart-almost-chemical flavor; they are my equivalent of the cadbury egg (or Mc Rib, or anything else that you forget they aren't that delicious,) and of course I would.

Non-organic, mass-produced fruits and, of course, not locally sourced - and it was stupid expensive (relative.)

If all of these government officials, interest groups, health officials, doctors, State groups, and <every other organization here> are so concerned with obesity and healthier living and eating; why the hell make it so out of reach for a (growing) group of Americans who rely on subsidized living to eat.

I saw sticker shock from one of the "cheapest" places, how can some people afford and/or tout upscale market grocery stores as a way to live healthier when some struggle to eat on the cheap.

But, I suppose I am over-simplifying things.

That doesn't mean I have to like it.
Back to my $40/week (fresh) fruit bowl.